Cacao ceremony “Fading Into New Seasons” 18.09.2024

319,20 kr.

Cacao ceremony on the 18th of september. På Nygård i Nørreskoven 6340 Nordborg.


Come join this beautiful cacao ceremony. We will be leaning in to the new season. Embracing all as it is. I will invite you in to connect with nature. To connect with the fall. To just be. To just see. To breathe and witness. You will be guided into a deeper connection on all levels. With your inner landscape, with a circle of like minded people, with nature and with the cacao spirit. We will be surrounded by nature in the beautiful space Nygård in Nørreskoven on the island Als in Sønderjylland. This amazingly beautiful old building, has such a great energy and will support our journeys through out the ceremony.

The journey will start in nature, where we will reconnect with the land and find your natural state of presence. We will allow nature to support us and generously give back from the overflowing stream of love that you are. You will be guided into noticing the littlest details, signs and messages that nature constantly is sending to us.

In this hightent state of relaxation we will lean into a circle of like heartet souls. We will join in the circle of ceremony with the cacao spirit – mama cacao as our guide. Im using the finest, purest most lovingly handled cacao on the market: Keith’s cacao. She has a loving spirit and drinking her feeling like a loving motherly hug. The cacao is such a guide for more love, more connection and a more loving approch to yourself, nature, people and love it self. We will be setting our intentions and sharing each of our medicin with one another.

You can expect to connect deeply with nature, with the group, with your heart, with your mind and body. I am using different approches for connection inspired from nature therapy, forest bathing, restorative yoga, ceremonial cacao practices, journaling, human connection and embodyment practices.

We will dive deep into the realms of your soul and heart. I will hold the space for you to be fully you. To see and let go of what needs to go in this season of shedding layers, letting go of the old, making room for the new. I encourage you to be fully you. To show up as you are. And to be fully in your inner truth. To be honest to yourself. And to share your medicine. You are the magic this world needs –  in case you forgot.

When: 18/9-2024


Where: Nygård, Nørreskovvej 41, 6430 Nordborg (

Price: 399kr inklusiv moms.

The ceremony will be lead in danish, english or both depending on the participants.


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